We’re so excited you’ve joined us on our mission to become the best way to pay for anything, anywhere. So you can hit the ground running, here’s a quick download of everything Zilch…
Traditionally, credit has caused a lot of headaches. Serving up a fee with every little move. Need cash? There’s a fee. Paying aboard? Fee. Late payment? Fee. Early payment? Fee – shockingly.
When we started out in 2018, the world, people and what we valued as a society was all changing. But credit wasn’t, so Zilch was born.
Customer first. Always.
Every decision we make always has our customers best interest at heart.
Do it now. Do it fast.
Got an idea? Share it and make it happen. Let us know what you need and we’ll back you.
Be responsible.
You’re trusted to grab this opportunity and make a big difference at Zilch.
We succeed because we’re all open, honest and passionate about what we do.
Think scale.
Our ambitions are big, so our thinking for everything we do at Zilch needs to match.
Our app is forever evolving so our 2.5 million (and rapidly growing) customers have the best experience possible.
“Nice and easy. You are always in control. Should have been about years ago.” Cheryl Chamberlain
“This is a great way to do your shopping. Easy to set up. So happy.” Kimberly Chapman
“Totally thought this was gonna be a scam, but it’s not. In fact, it’s bloody marvellous.” Scott Bateman
“This app is amazing. I love it!” James Bird